From top to bottom, left to right...
Margaret Spellings: Former Secretary of Education (George W. Bush), cheerleader for No Child Left Behind
Robert Behning: Indiana State Representative. ALEC supporter and leader of "reform" movement in the Indiana House of Representatives.
Dennis Kruse: Indiana State Senator. Leader of "reform" movement in the Indiana Senate. Wants to bring back the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in school as well as creationism.
Mike Pence: Former governor of Indiana. Current Republican Vice Presidential Candidate. School privatizer and favorite of ALEC.
Rahm Emanuel: Mayor of Chicago. Friend to the wealthy and privatizers.
George W. Bush: Former President of the United States. Signed No Child Left Behind into law.
Michael Bloomberg: Former Mayor of New York City. Thinks the academic problems caused by poverty are the fault of "bad teachers."
Michelle Rhee: Former Chancellor of Washington D.C. City Schools. Tried to fire her way to success. Major privatizer.
Barack Obama: President of the United States. Administration leader of the current Department of Education. Focused on evaluating teachers by student test scores and increasing charter schools.
Bill Gates: Billionaire. College Dropout. Donates billions to privatize public education and fight teachers.
Eli Broad: Billionaire. Donates billions to privatize public education and fight teachers.
Arne Duncan: Former Secretary of Education (Barack Obama). Promotes test-based teacher evaluations, charter schools, and testing.