Duke Ellington and his orchestra, with Louis Armstrong on the Ed Sullivan Show, 1961...
Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was born to two musicians on April 29, 1899.
He began his musical career -- starting piano lessons -- at the age of 7. At 15 he wrote his first song (1914)...and spent the next 60 years writing and playing music.
During my "big band phase" Ellington was one of my favorites.
Check out the bios below...
- The New York Times Review of: Duke Ellington and His World: A Biography, By A. H. Lawrence
- Wikipedia entry for Duke Ellington
- Wikipedia entry for Members of the Duke Ellington Orchestra
Here are some good ones...Duke Ellington and his Orchestra.
One of my favorites...including the violin! It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) – 1943
This one's for Marty (So when's the next album coming out?). Satin Doll – 1953
Finally, the theme song...from the film Reveille with Beverly (1943). The soloist is Betty Roché.
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